Betty Lou is available for Adoption or Lease. Betty-Lou is an Appendix, half quarter horse, half thoroughbred. She loves trail riding and packing. Available for adoption or lease. She has quite the motherly instinct and treats many of the other horses like her foals.
Misty is available for ADOPTION or LEASE. Misty came to us in a group of horses when their owner unexpectedly passed away. At that time she had serious injuries- she had caught and stripped the flesh off her back right leg- all the way to the bone. The herd that she came in with has all been
Lakota is a favorite lesson horse for children and adults. He loves working in the arena and on the trails. He has participated in English and Western horse shows, gymkhana and even works with special needs individuals.
Kalisha is the favorite mount of almost all the kids in the county! She has been with me for 20 years teaching lessons from toddlers to advanced riders of all disciplines. She has a vocabulary of over 100 words and customizes her style to the desires of her rider. Available for lessons.
One of summer camp's favorite horses.
Piglet & Eyeore
Mini horse Piglett & mini donkey Eyeore love to give rides to kids (and chickens) of all sizes.
Coral is available for LEASE. Coral is a beautiful Arabian/ quarter horse cross that came to us summer 2018. She loves trail rides and teaching lessons, but her favorite hobby is playing in the water trough!