Report Abuse
Report suspected abuse or neglect of horses to your local humane society or the animal control section in your county sheriff’s department.
Volunteers are welcome to assist and help with barn chores!
Share with Friends
Help get the message out to the general public. Please share our Facebook and other social media posts and ask your friends and family to do the same. ‘Like’ our page on Facebook.
Help Fundraise
Routt County Horse Rescue relies on donations. We are always on the look out for help with donations and sponsorship, from individuals and local businesses. We are open to receiving donations from local clubs or groups that want to help collect donations from the community for our cause.
Sponsor a Horse
You may not be able to adopt a horse, however, sponsoring one particular horse for a time or donating a small amount every month is a great way to help.
Donate hay or other supplies
Do you have some hay or other horse supplies that you would like to donate?